Saving Money at the Store


Recently we decided to try to cut back some expenses to save a little and pay down some debt. One area that we were spending the most was for groceries ever month. These are a few of the things that we did to save some money.

1. Shop are discount stores

   One thing that was new to us was that 99 cent and dollar stores carried food. We were even more surprised to see that there were name brand and specialty items for sale, not just the expired or generic brand. This is where we would buy the things that we could store or where we knew that we would find the same item for full price in another store.

2. Buy a membership to a bulk store

   If you don't think that a toddler can eat a lot, but you would be surprised. To save us from visiting the grocery store every 5 days or so we opted to get a membership to Sam's Club. This allows us to buy the items that we know we will need a lot of like toilet paper, paper towels, canned goods, or fresh produce that we could freeze.

3. Buy a freezer

   Speaking of freezing food, a lot of our food was going bad before we could cook it up and eat it. We got a little smarter about what foods we were actually buying and we preserved what we could right from the start. Some of the things that we froze include; sliced bananas for smoothies, veggies for bakes or stir fry, and loaves of sliced bread.

Implementing any of these tips will shave a little off of your food budget.

What are some of the shopping tips that you have tried?


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